Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Better Version of Yourself

Don't compare your results to someone else's. You can never be another person, you can only be a better version of yourself. - Unknown

More true words have never been spoken.  Comparing yourself is the easy way to convince oneself that you can never achieve anything that others have or better yet, become a better version of yourself.  In short, you can never measure up.   O' so so not true.  

4+ years ago I felt the exact say way.  I was overweight and very unhealthy.  I had just convinced myself I had past my prime and could never return to the health I had experienced before.  I thought, no way its way to much work to 'get lost' and find 'me' again.  Well, I was right...but hold on as I almost got you.  

Here is what I was right about.  It would take much work.  Much work it did.  Dieting, working out, learning about food in every way, stress control, rest, being truthful to myself, and caring enough about myself to be honest with my doctor.  O' did I mention learning about what was going in my you would not believe what kind of crap was going into this body.  Ever read the ingredients label on a hot pocket?  If not, do it now!!!  What is all the junk?  I tell you what it isn't.  It isn't anything you need to put into the human machine.   Boy I could go on and on right now about food, but I will save that for a specific blog in the future.

Kevin Completing Ironman Florida 2012

So back to being a better version of yourself.  I want you to know those are strong words to live by.  Once I learned to apply these, I quit caring how I stacked up to others.  What I did learn was how to stack myself up against me and the better me I wanted to be.  Once I started to apply this everyday I started becoming a better version of myself.  I started to like myself again.  I started to see results.  I started to find the real me within the person I had become.  By only comparing "ME" to the person I was the day before, did I begin to Get Lost.  Get lost from the old me that wasn't really even me and become the me that was me all along...What?  Confused?  Don't be its just the way I have learned that if I Prepare to Live Life then I can learn to laugh at myself.  I'm only comparing the past me here in the present as I've take myself back to the future where "I am a better version of myself"!!!

So Get Lost...Prepare to Live Life...In a better version of YOURSELF!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Get Lost

Well how many times have you possibly heard this phrase throughout you life.  Most of the time its that someone wants something to go away.  Well let me give you a new perspective on how I've taken that phrase and applied it to a new beginning.

You see I was a very unhealthly overweight man than was often iritable and didn't seem to find the energy to do but one  And nothing was off the menu. Well, this life style eventually caught up with me and turns out, it was killing me fast.  I was within months of becoming a diabetic.  My body had lost its ability to regulate its own fluids.  Doc wanted me to have lap-band surgery.  Thought about it.  Yep just about that long as I had finally reached a very low point in my health and hearing lap-band seemed to say to me; well thats it you failed.  However, Kevin does not fail.  Kevin finds a way.  Kevin was reawakened right at that moment.  I said "Doc, test me for anything and everything that could be affecting my health medically".  You figure that out, I will handle the emotional and physical needs".  Well Doc did his part and put me under corrective care to address those issues.  I went at my part like a wild bull in a china cabinet.  I left no stone unturned as I rearranged everything in my life, and put the first foot forward.  1st thing, Zero sodas....and still not a single soda going on 4 years.  Next was just to get me moving.  Walking with a weight vest just a 1/4 mile.  On a bike and had to push it up a hill.  I think I could do maybe 3 pushups.  Well I was determined to get lost from that person I was hiding within and step out to prepare to live my real life.  The life I had forgotten about but so loved.  I had been a hibernating athlete and within just a few month of me getting lost, the athlete within began to emerge.  From that point it became 150% go time.

I have completed so many events that now I get lost in what all those were.  But in a nut shell, I went from a couch potato boarderline Diabetic in June 2010 to riding in a 150 mile bike event in October.  Then raced my first half marathon in December.  Then another in February.  Then my 1st Marathon in March.  That brought me to my first triathlon in June 2011 and from there I've been liven life with passion all the way through a Full Ironman.

All this was a spring forward and a change in career plus a passion to give others what I got...Prepared to Live Life!!!  Now at GPPfitNWA, GPPendurance, GPPkids we are doing just that.  Because I Got Lost, the real me was able to step out and Prepare to Live Life like we should all aspire!!!  Follow and go with me on my journey of Prepare to Live Life....

Follow me on my Facebook page...Pictures are truth!!!

*The Weights symbolize the amount of Fat I lost 135lbs